My Favorite Quotes

My Favorite Quotes

"Instead of criticizing people who are fall short of our expectations, however, we ought to put on our boots, overalls, all helmets, and get busy on the work site." Joel R. Beeke

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Heaven Hears: The True Story of What Happened When Pat Boone Asked the World to Pray for His Grandson's Survival By: Lindy Boone Michaelis with Susy Flory

Heaven Hears: The True Story of What Happened When Pat Boone Asked the World to Pray for His Grandson's Survival
By: Lindy Boone Michaelis with Susy Flory

If you are at a bookstore reading the title, subtitle, foreword by Pat Boone, endorsement by Rick Warren on the front cover, and endorsements on the back cover by bestselling authors Stormie Omartian, Larry King, and Jack Hayford, hopefully you don’t turn to page 36 and read that the Boones had been attending Hal Lindsey (author of The Late Great Planet Earth)’s weekly Bible Study.

This book is supposedly about Pat Boone’s grandson’s survival, but you will find that this book talks more about Lindy (Ryan’s mother) than Ryan. And don’t expect to read much about Pat Boone either.

This book is a story about Ryan’s survival from a 30 to 40ft fall (p. 92), and all the conditions described on page 90 would overwhelm anyone who reads this book. I would have felt the same as Lindy did in what she went through during the time that Ryan was still in intensive care.

My main concern with this book is Chapter 4, where Lindy (the author, Pat Boone’s daughter and Ryan’s mother) talked about her divorce, and then dated and married an unbeliever. I would have a problem if anyone’s daughter read this book and got the idea that Pat Boone’s daughter can get divorced, and then date and marry an unbeliever (p. 52). She married an unbeliever whom even her parents didn’t approve of (p. 53). Despite the fact that her second husband later became a Christian, it was through a response card where he checked off box “B” (box “B” said, “I’m placing my hope in Jesus today, trusting him to save me and give me a fresh start and new life.”) (p. 84). He can check off boxes “A” through “Z”, but that still would not make him a Christian (p. 84).

Evidently, Lindy doesn’t have a good understanding of what saving faith is according to the Bible when she said, “So I decided to approach the Lord from my heart, because that’s where faith comes from…” (p84). It completely contradicts Romans 10:17.

Disclosure: Tyndale House Publishers provided me with a copy of Heaven Hears: The True Story of What Happened When Pat Boone Asked the World to Pray for His Grandson's Survival; however, all views expressed in this post are my own.

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